June’s gonna be busting out all over, with literature!
This Pride month, I’ll be a embarking on a cross-borough tour, appearing at two of New York's beloved reading series. On, June 6th, I'll be at the Rally Reading Series (@rallyreadingseries) at Pete's Candy Store in Williamsburg alongside uber-talents Matt Ortile and Denny. Reading begins at 7pm. Reserve your spot HERE. And, on June 17th, I’ll be at the Wine & Pine Reading Series (@wineandpineseries) in the East Village's Ten Degrees Bar among a lineup that includes mavens like Olivia Wolfgang-Smith, Nina Haines, and Edgar Gomez. Reading begins at 7pm. Super excited to share space with these crazily gifted artists. Will there be new material? Come thru and find out!
NEW WORK! My latest poem, “Call Me Baby,” is out now with Identity Theory.
Story: When I was on the plane to AWP 2024 I got to thinking about intimacy and belonging, not knowing what I’d find amongst the literary cohort. And, the name of this piece suddenly popped into mind. As is often the case, I didn’t initially know if there was any “there” there. Then, after three days of talking, reading, book buying, and realizing so many friendships that, up til that point, had only been virtual, I felt supercharged. In a way, across those three days, I’d regressed and reconnected with that little kid that lives in all of us, the one who yearns to be accepted, to be a part of something. So much of that impulse and what we learn from it goes on to shape the way we seek and process intimacy. So, I followed that thread onto my return flight and, as is my wont, I couldn’t help but begin drafting this piece in my head. Usually a sign that I’m on to something. And, within a week, I’d scribbled, revised, reordered, and refined this poem into being. Admittedly, I was a bit precious about this one. In a weird way, I felt like I had to watch out for that little boy who showed more of himself than he tends to in these words. I wanted to find the right home for it. And, I was thrilled when Identity Theory seemed to love this piece as much as I do and offered it a home. I hope you enjoy the read. Happy May, all!
Today, I was humbled to learn that my book, I'm Never Fine, is a 2024 Finalist for the Eric Hoffer Book Award. The award honors the memory of the great American philosopher Eric Hoffer by highlighting salient writing, as well as the independent spirit of small publishers. Since its inception, the Hoffer has become one of the largest international book awards for small, academic, and independent presses. So touched to see my little book out there, resonating. Click here for the full list of 2024 finalists. No, it's not an April Fools bit.
Wasn’t sure if this would ever be my jam or, if it ever was, what I’d write about. I’m no expert on craft nor genre. I’m barely an authority on myself. But, what I seem to have in spades is dread. Dread for just about everything. Yet, despite that inclination, I tend to thrust myself into uncomfortable scenarios that either prove worthwhile or, on the rare, somehow worse than I imagined. So, that’s what I’m going to cover here, on a monthly basis. It’s free now and will always be. I hope you join in on the horror. Click here to subscribe. On 4/11, it's about to get all poetical up in the Zoom as I take part in the "April Abundance" assemblage of the Hundred Pitchers of Honey reading series.
At 7:30pm ET/6:30pm CT, I will join Ashley Elizabeth (black has every right to be angry), Melissa Fite Johnson (Midlife Abcedarian), Karen Rigby (Fabulosa), and Leah Umansky (Of Tyrant) in sharing some fantastic words and, who knows, maybe some spells and hexes. You never can tell. What I do know is, I'd love to see you there. And, you can sign up at this registration link to get your name on the list! What an absolutely BONKERS ride it’s been. But, indeed, one year ago today my debut book was thrust into the world and out of my overprotective hands.
I wasn’t quite sure where it would take me - IF it would take me. And, I can say with certainty that the journey has been beyond comprehension, leading me into the world of so many fantastic new friends, new bookstores, new community advocates. I’ve grown into myself, grown as a writer. I’ve singed the edges, read in infamous spaces, shared tables with artists I never imagined would ever so much as look me in the eye. All I can say is, if you’ve been a part of this in any way, I thank you and I love you. And, I hope you’ll stay along and see where year two takes us. Here we go. The end of the year is approaching and, with it, come the deluge of EOY book lists from every publisher under the sun. And, I'm beyond honored to have been featured by them among their 23 Favorite LGBTQ+ Books of 2023. And, among such illustrious company!
Of the book, Ilana Masad writes: "Despite the heavy topic, the essays are often hilarious, and Lezza succeeds in echoing the very real gallows humor so necessary when facing illness and death." You can read the whole write-up and get to know some furiously talented queer artists by reading the article HERE. Just a reminder that, in one week's time, I will be hosted by the Middletown Public Library (in Middletown, NJ) for an Author's Visit. The event will take place on Monday, 10/16 @ 7pm and will be hybrid, occurring both live in the Community Room as well as streamed for those who would like to attend virtually.
I'm beyond humbled for this distinction from my hometown library and very much look forward to sharing in the evening with those who wish to hang IRL or stream it. If you do plan to show up in-person, please do register for the event on the library's website. It's incredibly helpful for the venue so that they can plan accordingly. Looking forward to seeing some of you! Flummoxed and thrilled to receive my first ever nomination for the Pushcart Prize from my publisher Vine Leaves Press.
The Pushcart has been around since 1976, has been a stalwart champion of small presses, and is the most honored literary project in America. Such an honor, indeed. Bowled over. Had such an outstanding experience reading at the Les Bleus Literary Salon in Brooklyn.
An amazing space and an equally amazing opportunity to read alongside side über talents as Tiffany Clarke Harrison (@tiffanyclarkeharrison), Prachi Gupta (@prachigu), Nora Fussner (@nora.fussner) and Yuxi Lin (@yuximerollin). Buy their books. Read their work. And, above all, support your artist friends. |
AuthorAll posts are authored by Joe unless otherwise noted. |